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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Why The Student Apathy Toward Federal Politics?

Why The Student Apathy Toward Federal Politics?
By Alexandra Taylor. Why the student apathy toward federal politics? We’re the ones it directly affects! Who do you think controls the exorbitant tuition fees? Is the prospect of paying off a student loan for as long as most people pay off housing mortgages something you are happy with?
Alexandra Taylor Pitt Meadows Today Guest Columnist
What about trying to get an education, but being put on a waiting list, or if you are rightly uncomfortable with the idea of loans, simply not being able to get any grants or bursaries for your tuition? Even if you can afford tuition out of pocket, factor in spending at least an additional $500 on textbooks for a single class. Add it up. The Harper government certainly has and as a student, the equation is not one that benefits you.
Not only that, but getting involved in federal politics means that if you desire a better life for yourself, your family, neighbours, and a better world as a whole, your involvement –whether it be casting a ballot or even volunteering for your candidate’s campaign–means that you are playing a vital role in making sure that happens.
Canada is a country that truly is regarded as extemporary beacon of human rights in the world, justice, and up until recently, environmental protectionism as well. Take action if these things matter to you – you truly have an impact with your vote.
You may feel like casting a vote might not matter or have a wrong view of politicians being out of touch, but what if perhaps during an election, a candidate who represented values and your vision of Canadian on both a national and international scale you stand for lost by a very slim margin to a candidate whose party stood at the exact opposite side of your morals won? Inaction means that that person is now your representative federally. Who will represent you then? Not someone with your concerns in mind.

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